Publishing with ATF Press
Publishing with ATF Press
If you would like to publish with ATF Press please send the following details by email to the Executive Officer, Hilary Regan
Please send:
1. Title of proposed publication
2. CV of author/editor
3. List of contributors
4. Table of Content
5. 500 word outline of the proposal
Stages in Publishing and Style Manual
Stages in publishing:
1. Proposal sent to the Executive Officer – as outlined in ‘Publishing With Us’.
2. Review of proposal by Executive Officer and General Editor.
3. If accepted a Pre Publication Agreement will be sent to the author/editor and a request for an unformatted mss to be sent to ATF Press.
4. Review of the MSS by readers
5. Decision to publish or not to publish within 6 months and if there is a decision to publish, a contract given to the author/editor with time lines and details of subvention (if required),
5. Author/editor required to format mss according to ATF Press Style Manual.
6. ATF Press to copy-edit and then lay-out in Indesign publishing program and return proofs to author/editor for checking.
7. Normal turn around period from receiving formatted mss through copy editing and lay-out to release date 6-8 months.
ATF Press Style Manual:
The following is the suggested guide for work submitted by writers and editors for any publication with ATF Press. If this manual were adhered to it would assist to ensure the best possible practice standards and quality.
1. Submission of copy
A hard copy and electronic copy should be submitted in Word format on disk or sent as an attachment to an email.
2. General presentation
As a general the MSS should be formatted in Times font in 10 point for all main text, including indented quotes.
Footnotes references should also be in Times 10.
3. Margins
Should be set at: Top 7.26 cm
Bottom 5.56 cm
Left 5.6 cm
Right 5.6 cm.
4. Justification
All text should be justified left and right.
5. Line spacing
All material, including indented quotes and footnotes should be spaced at ‘at least 12 point’.
An extra line space should be used at the end of each section.
After a bold heading (see 7 below) a space of 6 points.
6. Indented material
6.1 Paragraphs
First line of each paragraph to be indented at 0.48 cm.
Exceptions (where line is flush): First line of chapter/ article.
First line after a new heading.
First line after an indented quote.
6.2 Indented quotations
Indented quotations, of over 5 lines of material, or 30 words, should be indented at 1.2 cm Left and 1.2 cm Right, with the first letter of the first line not indented. There should be a space of one line before and after the quotation. Quotations should not have quotation marks at the beginning or end and within the quotation there should be single quotation marks (exception: where within the indented quote there is a quote that is also quoting ( . . . ‘ . . . “ . . . ” . . .’ . . .).
7. Headings
Headings should not be numbered unless there is a particular need (for example, cross-referencing within the text, scientific or text-book style presentation).
All headings should be in Times 10 and bold, with a space of 6 points after the heading, Subsections should be in Times 10 and italicised, but with normal line space after.
Capitals should be used for the initial letters only of headings and subsections (unless using proper nouns).
Headings and subsections do not have punctuation at the end (unless a question).
8. Spelling
The general guide to spelling will be taken from The Macquarie Dictionary.
We use ‘-ise’ forms for words (and not ‘-ize’) (so: realise, globalisation, modernise . . .).
Hyphens should be used in words such as ‘co-operate’ and ‘co-ordinate’, except where the mathematical ‘coordinate’ is used. The Australian Writers Dictionary is a valuable tool for assisting with the use of hyphens.
We prefer World War 1 (and not First World War).
All Latin, Greek and all foreign words should be in italics and have an English translation.
We prefer transliterations of biblical languages but if biblical languages are used then the English must be given in brackets. Please indicate what Greek or Hebrew font has been used.
9. Abbreviations and contractions
Abbreviations are generally not used: editor (rather than ed.), translated by (rather than trans.),, volume (rather than vol.), number (rather than no.), for example (not e.g.).
Those such as USA or UN do not have full points between the letters.
Contractions, which end in the last of the whole word, should not be given a full point: Dr (Doctor), St (Saint).
10. Personal initials
Do not insert a stop or space between personal initials, as for example: AN Simple.
11. Dates and numbers
Avoid unnecessary punctuation: 24 June 1999 (and not 24 June, 1999, or June 24th , 1999).
1990s (not 1990’s).
Twentieth century (not 20th century).
When referring to the age of a person, ‘she was in her eighties’, use the spelt-out form, but use figures in the hyphenated form when writing of an ‘80-year-old woman’.
In text use of year span: 1991–8 with an en rule (not hyphen and no space) (not 1991-8), 1902–3 (and not1902-03), 1878–83.
When in headings or subsections, use 1990–1992.
Financial years are 1991/92.
Spans of numbers: use as few digits as possible, with the exception of 11–19, where 1 is repeated. So: 112–13,103–8, 34–9, 145–53.
Numbers up to ninety-nine are spelt out in the text, except where figures are needed in a string of hyphenated words (35-hour week) or where figures will assist with clarity (when several numbers are compared).
Numbers over ninety-nine are usually written in numerals but can be spelt out (about a thousand people) where figures seem inappropriate in the text.
When a date is the first word of the sentence, use the spelt out form.
Use figures for sums of money, $1.24, but three cents.
Times should be in words rather than numerals when precision is not intended. So: ‘They had to leave at three o’clock’. But where a precise time is intended: ‘The bus leaves at 10.23am’.
Percentages should be spelt out in the text: ninety-three per cent (note ‘per cent’). But 93% in footnotes and tables.
12. Hyphens and dashes
En rules (a short dash) should be used for spans of numbers: 182–3; for Christian biblical references for the verses: Mk 3:12–13; for expressions of time: May–June; expressions of distance: Adelaide–Melbourne; and where ‘and’ is meant.
Em rules (a long dash) are used in parenthetical statements, with no gap either side. For example, ‘To have wide lawns—and not any garden—is not necessary for a happy life’.
13. Quotations
Quotations of more than 5 lines or 30 words should be indented with an extra space above and below.
Indented quotes do not have opening and closing quotation marks.
Short extracts of less than 5 lines (or 30 words) may appear within the text, enclosed in single quotation marks.
Quotation marks should go inside the final full point if there is any authorial comment within the sentence; that is, the full point belongs to the author as part of her/his sentence.
Time and time again, ‘people do not speak’ was quoted by authors.
Sally was known to have said that ‘the weather at the Cape is fine all year round’.
If the quotation begins within a sentence containing authorial comment but runs to more than one sentence, it is acceptable to place the closing quotation mark after the final full point.
George Stephens wrote with glee ‘about fifty men broke out of the prison yesterday evening. We expect to have them rounded up before the week is past.’
When a sentence is entirely quoted material, then all punctuation belongs to the quotation; therefore, the final full point goes inside the closing quotation mark.
Mary received the telegram at 10 am. ‘I never knew a darker moment than when I read of John’s death.’
Double quotation marks are only used for quotes within quotes.
Eggs were thrown at the ‘vote “No” for a republic’ banner.
Spelling and punctuation within quotations must not be altered to conform to the style of the remainder of the text. If anything appears wrong, but the original has been copied correctly, place an italic [sic] within square brackets after the doubtful material.
Check the punctuation of quotations. Any authorial or editorial interpolations into the quotation should also be enclosed within square brackets. If italics, for instance, are used, this should be written as [my emphasis].
Indicate any omission from a quotation by the use of an ellipsis ( . . . ), with a single space keyed in before and after each point (space/point/space/point/space/point/space). Do not insert an additional full point if the ellipsis occurs at the end of a sentence.
Do not use editorial caps within square brackets as in ‘[I]t is then . . . ’, but leave the lower close letter, or adjust the way the quote is used.
14. Footnotes
Notes should be used for sources you have used, published or unpublished, to a brief discussion of the sources, to develop a point out of the text, or to cross reference to other parts of the text.
Footnotes in the text should be used as a superscript text and in Times. Footnotes, notes at the bottom of each page, or endnotes, notes at the end of each chapter, may be used in the final version when lay-out occurs.
First name (not initials) and surname, title of the book (in italics), place of publication, publisher and year (all in brackets), followed by page numbers.
We do not use p or pp for footnote entries or in the text. In the text write word ‘page’ if necessary.
In footnotes there is minimal punctuation:
First reference:
Victor Pfitzner, The Islands of Peru (Adelaide: ATF Press, 1999), 21.
Second and subsequent references copy and paste name (surname only) and title of book (or abbreviated title), followed by page number. Where a title is long a suitable shorter version should be used in second and subsequent references.
Pfitzner, The Islands of Peru, 28.
14.2 Articles in journals:
First name, surname, title of article, (with single inverted commas), title of the journal (in italics), volume and number, year (year in brackets), followed by a colon and then the pages of the article.
We do not uses p or pp in footnotes or in the text.
First reference:
Victor Pfitzner, ‘Where To From Here?’, in Interface: A Pyschology Review, 1/2 (1998): 22–3.
Second and subsequent references:
Pfitzner, ‘Where to From Here?’, 38.
14.3 Articles in books:
First name, surname, title of article (with single inverted commas), edited by, with first name first, title of the book (in italics), place of publication, publisher and year (all in brackets), followed by a colon and then page.
Victor Pfitzner, ‘Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow’, in Readings in Contemporary History, edited by Victor Pfitzner (Adelaide: ATF Press, 2002), 22–56.
14.4 Web references
First name, surname, title of article, web address enclosed in <…>, access date.
Victor Pfitzner, ‘Today and Not Tomorrow’ at <>. Accessed 20 July 2010. (No underlining).
15. Bibliography
We do not normally have a bibliography included with texts. But if one is to be used then, authors surname first, followed by initials and in alphabetical order of surname. Title of the book is in italics and with place of publisher, publisher and year in brackets.
Pfitzner, V, History of The New Time (Adelaide: ATF Press, 2002).
Responsibilities in Publishing (policies)
Publication Committee
Job Descriptions
Publication Committee: All as per Terms of reference with addition of
- In conjunction with the general editor and publisher, prepares job descriptions.
- Approves concept development for each title and sets the budgets.
- Decides the publishing program for each year and organises book launches after each book is released.
- Commissions, accepts or rejects selected unsolicited manuscripts.
- Contracts freelance copy editors.
- Sets price of books and special pre-release deals.
General Editor
- Is responsible for overall assessment of mss that are received
- Works with the Publisher in being responsible for the publishing program.
- Works with the Publisher and the Publication Committee in administering and monitoring the publishing program.
- Attends as ex officio member ATF Board meetings.
- Negotiate contracts with book distributors, both national and international.
- Conduct initial briefing with copy editor and editors of volumes to be published.
- Contract copy editors.
- Initiate and approve final copy and jacket design.
- Approve final cost of the book and printing schedule.
- Implement a marketing plan for the promotion of the book and retail activities.
- Works with the General Editor in seeking at least two referred reports on all unsolicited manuscripts, with one normally being a person closely associated with the ATF and one being a theologian.
- In the case of material from ATF gatherings, make final decisions about which material should be included.
- Reports to and collaborates with other Chief editor on all strategy and policy decisions.
- Negotiates with the printers and suppliers (typesetters, printers, and designer) concerning quotes.
- Oversees and advises on the cover preparation and production (including spine and jacket copy, author profiles and pictures).
- Ensures ATF name and logo is branded and marketed wherever possible.
- Holds final discussions with printer and designer regarding the book production.
- Finalises payments, i.e. to contracted personnel.
- Prepares reports on submitted manuscripts, and – when required – sends manuscripts for specialist opinions. Returns rejected manuscripts with an appropriate letter.
- Prepares timetable for publication year, based on projected book launches.
- Before contracts are prepared, sends a comprehensive letter to authors/editors informing of them of the workload involved for them in the preparation of the title.
- Is responsible for the dispatch and receipt of all author or editor and freelance copy editor contracts before the work begins and the distribution of guidelines.
- Monitors and maintains the publication schedule for each title.
- Initiates progress discussions with all involved in the preparation of the title.
- Keeps style manuals, contracts and other records with relevant external bodies.
- Signs off on all instructions to the printer.
- Arranges International System Book Number (ISBN) and National Library in House cataloguing for each title.
- Compiles Legal Deposit publication requirements, at national and state levels,
- Arranges to have sent out books for review and complimentary copies.
- Arranges book launches.
- Responds to permission queries from external agencies.
Freelance Copy Editor
- Works in compliance with the Australian Standards for Editing Practice, Council of Council of Australian Societies of Editors, 2001.
- Copy edits the manuscript submitted by authors or editors and chapter authors.
- Generates author queries and incorporates author replies and corrections into the text in collaboration with the Publisher.
- Provides progress reports to the Publisher.
- Oversees correct application of the ‘house’ style.
- Marks up the manuscript for the designer/lay-out .
- Generates the index or, if so asked, liaises with the responsible person.
- Submits hard copy and electronic copy for printing after copy is signed off.
- Proof reads first page proofs when received from the printer and lets the author/s editor/s check if need be.
- Checks second page proofs.
Recommended reference texts:
Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers, AGPS, Canberra
The Macquarie Dictionary
Style Guide Openbook Publishers’
Specialist Editors
1. Series Editors
Oversee production of a particular volume
- Punctually complies with own deadlines with Publisher
- Provide progress reports to the Publisher
- Attends the book launch and makes a brief speech about the new publication.
[Note: Series Editors receive two free copies of the book and may purchase further copies at 50% off the RRP].
2. Volume Editors
- Prepare basic manuscript, including initial formatting according to inhouse style for submission to the copy editor.
- Consult with chapter authors and remind them of their writing deadlines and checks their work for engaging writing style and factual accuracy.
- Reads the proof manuscript, for format and factual accuracy, before it is printed.
- In collaboration with the Publisher and Series Editor, selects an appropriate person to write the introduction/foreword.
- In collaboration with the Publisher and Series Editor, selects an appropriate person to perform the book launch.
- Attends the book launch and makes a brief speech about the new publication in absence of Series Editor.
- Is normally a person heavily involved with the background or origin of publication.
- If more than one editor then names should appear with recognition of the principal editor. Eg ‘Edited by …. With …. And …’
- If editing equally shared then both names appear: ‘Edited by … and …’
- Series editors are not normally the same person as the Series Editor.
Protocols for editors
1. The editor/s is/are responsible for arranging assessment of the quality of each contribution in the volume.
2. The editor/s must ensure that the content meets the standard that is proposed for the collection — that is, that there is a relative uniformity in quality throughout the whole work.
3. The editor/s is/are responsible for the quality of the English expression, particularly where contributors are from a non-English speaking background, or where the expression is full of
ambiguities, idiosyncrasies, faulty syntax, colloquialisms etc.
4. The editor/s is/are responsible for ensuring a draft is sent in pieces that are in the ATF house style.
5. The editor/s is/are responsible for the proper sourcing of all references by authors in the volume.
6. The editor/s is/are responsible with the author that all permissions required have been granted in writing and provided to the publisher.
7. Editor/s is/are responsible for the quality and clarity of any photograph or diagram to be included in the work, and for the permissions for the use of these. Advice on these matters is to be
sought from the publisher.
8. Indexing (if included in a volume) of the collection, or the individual essay is the responsibility of the author/editor or costs for this will be billed by the publisher.
9. Any refereed reports must be supplied to the publisher.
10. Any queries with the content of a mss or the style of writing, after the editor has reworked the draft, is to be communicated to the original author through the editor and not through the copy editor and or publisher.
11. The editor is responsible for a thorough reading of the drafts and for providing detailed recommendation to the author for improvement.
12. The editor/s is/are responsible for consistency of style, arrangement of contents, introduction and statement of acknowledgements. Other items, such as bibliographies, appendices etc are to be negotiated with the publisher well in advance of the deadline, and, if agreed, are the responsibility of the editor(s).
13. Once mss are copy-edited they will be sent back to the editor for checking.
14. Deadlines are to be arranged between the editor/s and the publisher and the editor/s is/are responsible for ensuring the author meets those deadlines.
15. Editors are responsible for ensuring that no libelous and or plagiarised material is included. Release agreements will be supplied to each author as well as to all editors- a shorter one to all
authors and a longer one to all editors. ATF Ltd has its own insurance cover to cover the press for any legal action taken against the Press..
[Note: Editors receive five free copies of the book and may purchase further copies at 50% off the RRP].
Chapter Authors
- Write the agreed number of words in an engaging and factual manner which matches the subject and target readers.
- Ensure that the content is current and accurate.
- Submits drafts directly to the appointed editors so as to meet the agreed deadlines.
- Are responsible for checking and gaining copyright and other permissions (when permission payments are required, these are paid for by the author).
- Submit profiler summary and acknowledgement note when requested by the editor.
[Note: if edited volume, authors receives one copy of the book and may purchase further copies at 50% off the RRP.]
[Note: if single authored volume, authors receives ten copies of the book and may purchase further copies at 50% off the RRP.]
Publication Committee November 2001
Revised March 2003, 2009