In this book, the tantrum is externalized. It becomes something outside the child. In this way the child does not have to be overburdened with guilt and remorse. However, with the externalization, the child experiences more control over the tantrum. Little Mouse, in the book, is a naughty little mouse and with Mother’s help he learns to give up Tommy Tantrum and have more fun and happiness.
Myra also has difficulties with tantrums and enjoys getting out of doing the things she doesn’t want to do. She gets some help from Little Mouse and finds the strength to give up Tommy Tantrum so that she can give Mum and Dad a nice surprise and give herself more happiness.
About the Author
Kathleen Mooney has been working with children for over thirty years. She has a Bachelor of
Education, Grad. Dip. of Education (Leadership) and a Master’s degree in Social Science
(Counselling). She has been a Teacher and a Principal of Primary Schools. She is now
working as a counsellor for women and children using sandtray therapy and solution focused therapy. She had taught counselling at tertiary level to those interested in counselling children and adolescents. Kathleen understands children and the difficulties they face. She has helped many children with grief and loss, anxiety, anger, trauma and behaviour issues. Kathleen hopes that children and their parents enjoy this book.