The Unity of the Trinity


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Through this book I want to make it possible for readers to hear that the Word of God to which Israel’s Tradition listens is more powerful than the genius of a human artist. The Tradition regarding the Unity and the Trinity gives more than a torso; it starts out from an unfathomable beginning and goes towards an end that cannot be grasped.

I would like the book to give people the possibility of visiting a building site on which work is still in process. The repetitions, the awkwardness of certain expressions, the chaos in certain explanations testify to the building site’s reality. Imperfection, incompleteness. The further considerations and the appendices offered at the end of the book indicate my wish to see my possible readers setting out in their turn in their search for God, for the meaning of God’s Word, of God’s Unity which is Trinity.

Pierre Lenhardt nds

Pierre Lenhardt is a Brother of Notre Dame de Sion. He was born in Strasbourg (5/11/1927) in France, a graduate of HEC where he specialized in biblical studies, biblical languages and Talmud. He lived in Jerusalem for most of his adult life, teaching at Ecole Biblique, Ratisbonne Centre and Institut Catholique of Paris. He returned to Paris in his retirement. In Jerusalem he studied Jewish tradition and texts and came to know Jewish scholars, teaching Christians to engage with the traditions of Israel. He wrote several articles published in
two French volumes, A l ́écoute d ́Israel, en Eglise. This book: The Unity of the Trinity, Listening to the Tradition Israel, was originally published in French: L ́Unité de la Trinité: à l ́écoute d ́Israël, en Eglise. Paris: Parole et Silence, 2011. It has been translated into Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.