Interface Theology – Volume 7 Issue 2


Table of Contents

  1. Editorial
  2. The Question of Modernity in Catholic Theology. The Dispute over ‘Nouvelle Théologie’ as the Context of M-D Chenu’s Book Une École de théologie: Le Saulchoir (1937) – Ulrich Engel, OP
  3. Chenu’s Theological Project – Janette Gray, RSM
  4. History, Culture, and Revelation: Marie-Dominique Chenu, OP – Thomas F O’Meara, OP
  5. Catholic Action and the Mystical Body – Marie-Dominique Chenu, OP
  6. Contributors


Table of Contents

  1. Editorial
  2. The Question of Modernity in Catholic Theology. The Dispute over ‘Nouvelle Théologie’ as the Context of M-D Chenu’s Book Une École de théologie: Le Saulchoir (1937) – Ulrich Engel, OP
  3. Chenu’s Theological Project – Janette Gray, RSM
  4. History, Culture, and Revelation: Marie-Dominique Chenu, OP – Thomas F O’Meara, OP
  5. Catholic Action and the Mystical Body – Marie-Dominique Chenu, OP
  6. Contributors

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