Faith on the Front Foot


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About the book
This book brings together a number of articles by Anthony J Kelly CSsR. They are undated and the original source for many of them is unknown. They cover a wide range of topics: interfaith issues, seasons of the liturgical calendar, the Eucharist, Catholic Identity, Purgatory, love of one’s enemies, ecclesiology, and conversion.

Tony’s research and writing through the years have been ceaseless. He has produced a stream of books, seeming one of those who has to have a manuscript on the go all the time in order to structure his life, not just intellectually but even psychologically and spiritually. He has always been an intellectual and spiritual pilgrim, and his books have been reports on where he is on the journey. This little book is no different as Tony moves through the later phase of his now long life. ix Foreword Australia has been largely the arena of his life and work, but he is very much a man of the Church universal, a citizen of the world in that sense. There is nothing remotely provincial about Tony. He was at his ease on the International Theological Commission, unencumbered by political concerns or personal ambitions. He was a free and good-humoured spirit on the Commission, able to say what he thought with theological gravitas and lightness of touch. He was also one of those who wasn’t afraid of the hard work that the Commission’s brief required
From the the Foreword by Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Brisbane

Anthony J Kelly’s theological endeavours, which extend over almost fifty years, have resulted in a commendable corpus of publications. Together they demonstrate the broad canvas of his theological interests and his own seemingly ever ‘expanding theology’. They also demonstrate the wide range of genre in which he writes— from the highly theoretical and academic, addressing the subtle refinements and sophisticated argumentation of theological scholarship, through more contemplative and meditative reflections, to more practically oriented theological applications for practitioners in fields such as leadership and religious education—and the similarly wide reach of his audiences, ranging from the heights of academe through the theological novice to the interested lay reader.
From the Introduction by Emeritus Professor Anne Hunt OAM, FACE, Melbourne.

Few theologians in Australia have done more to open up theology to both academics and to wider popular audiences than Anthony J Kelly, Tony to his friends and colleagues. Not only has he poured out a constant steam of publications, but he has helped shape theological education in Australia and encouraged generations of theologians, clergy, religious and lay men and women to unveil the relevance of the Gospel to life issues today.
Bruce Duncan CSsR, Melbourne

About the author
Reverend Professor Anthony (Tony) J Kelly CSsR (1938– 2024) Author of over 20 books, a theologian and poet, Tony Kelly was President of Yarra Theological Union from 1980–1985 and 1994–1997, President of the Melbourne College of Divinity from 1984–1985, and Head of the Sub-Faculty of Philosophy and Theology at Australian Catholic University from 1999–2004. Tony undertook doctoral and post-doctoral studies in Rome, Toronto and Paris. Formerly President of the Australian Catholic Theological Association and past Chair of the Australian Catholic Institutes of Theology. In 2004, Tony was appointed by Pope John Pail II to the International Theological Commission and position he held till 2014.


Page count: 240 pages
Release date: 15 July

Additional information


Kelly, Anthony (Tony) J


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