We are in a period celebrating the first convent of Dominican women and founding of the Dominican friars. Weaving the Threads of Dominican Spirituality is a book that brings together biographies and writings of a number of Dominican women and men over this 800+ year period along with short statements by contemporary Dominican women and men. The words are interwoven with beautiful artwork by the Dominican community.
Weaving the Threads of Dominican Spirituality invites readers to continue the journey of reaction and to add their own into the Dominican story through the lives, the writings and the art works contained within it. The book does not pretend to be complete or exhaustive. It aims to be an introduction, a short compendium inviting all those who pick it up and engage with its contents to continue to explore this long history and tradition and be co-weavers on the journey. The book has been brought together by a group who have lived, worked and woven in the Dominican tradition in various ways.