The Bonhoeffer Legacy Volume 5, Issue 2




A Hard Habit to Break: Re-Imaging Public Theology in a World after Christendom
Barry Harvey

Bonhoeffer, our Contemporary? Engaging Bonhoeffer on Time, the Times, and Public Theology
Robert Vosloo

Why Chinese Intellectuals are keen on reading Bonhoeffer? Bonhoeffer perceived as a Public Theologian in the Chinese Context
Jason Lam

The Word of the Church to the World: Bonhoeffer’s Concept of the Logos and the Bilingual Character of Public Theology
Joel Banman

A Bonhoefferian Approach to Social Analysis: Life Together as Communio, Relation and Possibility
Dustin Benac

Book Reviews
Radical Discipleship: A Liturgical Politics of the Gospel. by Jennifer M. McBride (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2017) I
Di Rayson


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